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2 Students (PG/Ph.D Scholars) Rs. 2000/- Rs. 2500/- Rs. 500/-
3 Faculty Rs. 2500/- Rs. 3000/- Rs. 500/-

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Program Schedule for Conference

Particular Resource Person
Day- I (13/02/2025)
Registration -------
Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Nursing Dr. Yamuna Prasad, HoD, Assistant Prof, Computer Science & Engineering, IIT Jammu
Emerging Technologies in Nursing Education: Advance Simulation Laerdal (Medical) India
High Tea (Morning)
Keynote Address Dr. Rathi Balachandaran, Ex ADG, Govt. of India Senior Faculty, College of Nursing, Dr. RML Hospital, New Delhi
Keynote Address Dr. Yashpal Sharma, MHA, FIMSA, AMT
Executive Director, Medical College & Health Services, SMVDIME Chief Administrative Officer, SMVDNSH Administrator, SMVDCoN
Hospital Management: Digital Healthcare Dr. M.M Muthumathvan, Facility Director, SMVDNSH (Panel Discussion)
Emotional Intelligence (EI) & Professionalism Session -I
Empowering Nurses with Benchmarking Standards Dr. Manju Dhandapani, Associate Prof. NINE, PGI Chandigarh, Finalist of International Aster Guardian Global Nursing Award, Aster DM Healthcare
Growing needs of diverse population Session -II
Inter-professional & Intra-professional collaboration Session -III
Oral/ Poster Presentations Open to all confirmed authors
Tea break ------
Cultural Eve Participation from all colleges
Particular Resource Person
DAY-II (14/02/2025)
Paper/Poster presentation Open to all confirmed authors
Keynote Address Dr. Shailla Cannie, Dean & Principal, SMVDCoN
Intellectual Property Rights: Scope of Nursing Dr. Sharada Potukuchi, Associate Prof. Department of Biotechnology, SMVDU
Global Health Policy Dr. J P Singh, Clinical Director, Senior Consultant Neurosurgery, SMVDNSH Panel discussion
Trends in Leadership Investment Ms. Shylja S., Chief Nursing Officer, SMVDNSH
Interdisciplinary Collaboration Session-I
E-learning (Professional Development) Session-II
Entrepreneurship in Nursing: A New Era of Professional Empowerment Dr. Jyoti Rao, SSBM-Geneva ,Vice President & Founder: ANHS Co Founder & CEO JV EDTECH,MedovationBoard of Trustee Director,SAS Foundation
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